Welcome to the National Film Academy! Established in 1999, we are a prestigious academy with members from all over the world. We take great pride in producing the renowned National Film Awards and National Film and TV Awards in Europe, USA, Asia, South America, Africa, and Australia. Our academy members have the privilege of nominating their peers for these prestigious awards, attending film premieres, and participating in seminars and film festivals around the globe.
At the National Film Academy, we understand that the film industry is a collaborative effort. That is why we have created a platform that serves as a network between our members. We believe that by connecting filmmakers, actors, producers, directors, and other professionals, we can promote the growth of the industry and support its members. Our members can easily access our cast and crew Job board, where they can find job opportunities, auditions, and other relevant information.
We take great pride in our academy and our members. Our goal is to promote excellence in the film industry, celebrate its achievements, and foster the growth of the next generation of filmmakers. We look forward to welcoming new members and collaborating with our existing ones to continue pushing the boundaries of the film industry. Join us on this journey, and let us support each other in creating a vibrant and successful film industry.